70以上 fuji x-a2 review 352553-Fujifilm x-a2 review
Jan 15, 15The Fujifilm XE2 (called the Sexy Two in Japan) is an extraordinary camera as I've outlined above It's faster and easier to use for people who know how to shoot because it has all the right controls in the right places, and it's always supersharpThe Fujifilm XA1 is a cheaper version of the Fuji XPro1 and Fuji XE1 because it deletes any kind of viewfinder It has no optical finder like the XPro1 and has no electronic finder as do both the XPro1 and XE1 The XA1 has a swiveling LCD, and also adds WiFi, but takes away the threaded cable release socketComparison of Fujifilm XA1 and Fujifilm X based on specifications, reviews and ratings We and our partners use cookies to give you the best online experience, including to personalise advertising and content Fujifilm X Review Sample Image Gallery Fujifilm x-a2 review